Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Issue analysis starts this week. Of course I don't have it until next week xP because my name is 3/4 down the namelist. That's one thing good about having a name that starts with R. Another good thing is that Regina is not a common name, therefore I am special!!!. Unfortunately there are side-effects to having a name like Regina. When I was a small kid, many of my creative classmates could find rhymes to my name. So I ended up getting called, of all things, Ribena, Veggie, and some others. And in college, since I share the same LAN class with the E5 Legal Studies class, one of my aspiring lawyer friends would go "Oh, Queen!" whenever she sees me. (Since Regina is queen in Latin and in British courts they use Regina to represent the government, e.g. Regina vs Conman Co.)

Last year I developed a naming theory. The theory was that people tend to shorten their friends' names to 2 syllables or less. Of course this theory only applies if a) you are friends b) the person's name is at least 3 syllables. I thought it up when I found myself and my friends using short-form names for others. Like me calling Stephanie Steph, Wei Vern Vern, Kein Yip Loh and Helena Lena. And my friends shorten my name too, of course.
Ji Yung => Reggie
Steph & Vern => Reg
And, sometimes, some call me Gina. It's just so easy to lose the Re-, isn't it?
This does not apply to my cousin Helena, who calls me Mei.

There are others too, who tend to have their names shortened. Like Janarthan (Janar) and Kumaresh (Kumar) and Vern Ming (the class calls him Ming, not to be confused with Ming Chin, please).

If you are interested in knowing the meaning of your names, try this websites: &
English names only please!!! Chinese names are much more complicated since Chinese is a tonal language.

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