Sunday, August 5, 2007

My house don't have cable TV (Astro) so I rarely watch TV nowadays. However yesterday I took time to watch Turn Left, Turn Right, a Chinese movie starring the hot Takeshi Kaneshiro and Gigi Leung. It was a story of 2 students who once met 13 years ago. They met again in the present and exchanged phone numbers. However, both got stuck in the rain and the numbers were washed out. Since they don't have the numbers anymore they waited patiently for the other to call, not knowing that they just live NEXT DOOR to each other. Throw in one crazy takeaway girl from the local fast-food store and a maniac doctor and you have a comedy yet sad love story.

I have the typical problem experienced by teenagers-in-love worldwide: I'm too scared to confess. So my mind's been in limbo for months now, over the should-I-should-I-not question. I even repeat to myself everyday reasons why I should not confess during the time I was depressed. However now I'm not depressed anymore, yet not fully normal yet. I'm still waiting for this crush to fade out of my mind.

My mid-year and semester 1 1/2 marks are still coming in. It's worse than last semester's marks. If my mom had freaked out over last semester's mark, she would go totally crazy over this. I'm never gonna have any peace for the next 3 months =(

Moral exam 3 on Wednesday, Moral presentation Thursday, Accounting exam Friday. Stupid MYOB aka Accounting software. Looks easy but is complicated. One mistake and can fail already. You either know how to use it; or you don't. But I feel really, really happy to help my classmates with their input. At least I can do something useful and beneficial. And they wont fail this exam. I hope. We need this marks!!!!

1 comment:

kVys2o0o said...

Despite I had astro, I nva watch that movie also haha! I wanted to watch last nite but my hsemate was watching ther show :(

lolx... I understand ur feeling. It's hard... I had once been that period. I can't say which is good move, either way it brings cons and pros :D

I dared myself to confess by telling myself that I will regret if I didn't... it turned out great despite the ending wasn't something i expect.

think of the positive sides...