Monday, August 20, 2007

I am bored.

My holiday plans are boring.

It's so boring that I've reverted back to my old hobby, reading.

I hate holidays. My mother thinks holidays are the best time to study, and even though she's right it means that I can't use the internet as much as I like. Not that the internet is very interesting anyway, but I need to leave it on to download manga and anime,which takes time. Since my house is not a totally conducive environment for studying my plan is to go to the library and to study.

This past month I've been reading Agatha Christie. A good writer of murder stories, although sometimes I detect a similiarity in her stories. I particularly like her short stories. I've read The Harlequin Tea Set and The Labors of Hercules. Right now I'm going through Murder in the Mews. I don't know why, but some of the best stories I've read are of the science-fiction type. Back in Form Four I learned to love short sci-fiction stories by renowed authors like Eric Frank Russell, James Schmitz, Andre Norton and many more. But now that I've read through most of their works there's not much interesting sci-fiction to read anymore.

A really good read is the tales of fictitious China by Barry Hughart. The main characters are not flawless - Li Kao, the old and wise private investigator, introduces himself as "My name is Kao, my surname Li, and I have a flaw". Number Ten Ox, his helper, is stereotyped - brawny, with not much brains. But the books are interesting, with a slight tinge of the creepy and mysterious. In one book both of them killed a henchman called Snake, and then to get rid of the evidence they brought his corpse to the kitchen and made a ten-course dinner out of him. The description of the cooking is funny - "Shall we do his brains in the traditional turnip sauce, or would you prefer oyster broth?" A good read.

Crap. Been emo-ing this past week. Mom is not satisfied with my semester results. I've been lectured non-stop for the past 5 days. Not to mention that she'll start calling all her cronies then come back to me saying so-and-so's daughter/son/nephew/cousin got very good results, went to a ultra-good uni, why can't you do the same because they can, how are you going to go to uni like this, SAM March intake is hard so why are you not studying hard blah blah blah. Sometimes I get so angry that I can't move and my brain freezes up. Of course it's all my fault - everything is. I've been blamed for every single thing that breaks in the house, everything that happens. Sometimes I feel like letting it all out and cry and scream at the world. But like everyone else I keep it in. Waiting for the day when my time will come. When I can just be myself - and nobody can anything about it.

1 comment:

kVys2o0o said...

haha.. who told me cant study at library ha?! :P

lolx!~ holx also boring la me here despite i'm at hometown. Lazy find friends, petrol exp! haha.. spend my time slping :P Envy your life at kl :P

lolx! It's not your fault. Don take the blame, but rather the responsibility. You feel it's a burden to you, becz u feel tht getting good results is your duty rather than what you want or desire. If you change this to your desire and want, you will feel differently :D