Saturday, December 8, 2007

It's amazing how ignorant of things we can be. I never realized how many things happen in the background; things that we never see and take for granted.Why do I realize this now? Well, actually, I'm working at Taylor's University College. So far it's only been one week, and boy is there alot of things I found out. In one week, we (the student helpers) have done so many things I don't know where to start. We have packed and repacked pamphlets and brochures (like, thousands of it), served parents who seek counseling, packed letters, carried stuff and ran around like mad. It's not an easy job.

Today is Open Day at Taylor's. A very busy day too. Any parent who comes in just see a hall filled with people, and counsellors and student helpers. But we do many things behind the scenes. We make sure the place is kept clean. We make sure there are enough pamphlets in every booth. We make sure parents are attended, and run to find counselors and tables and chairs. We keep watch and conduct campus tours. Basically, we're on our feet the whole day. And so is the lecturers and staff.

Anyway no one will appreciate our work. Well, except those who really know what we went through. It's like this all over the world, no matter who you are and what job you hold. It's a thankless life, and at least it pays.

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