Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Another week. Another two papers down. Two left to go. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Since my last post, MSU (Mathematical Studies) and ECO (Economics) has came and went. Both were morning papers, requiring stamina, energy, and lots of groaning in order to make it in time for the papers. Being at college by 6.30am is no joke. Especially if for the past 3 nights you have been sleeping at 3am, and then on the night before the paper you try to sleep at midnight.

Anyhow, I feel very bad. I thought I could do my MSU paper. I was confident when I walked into the MPH that I would at least manage an A-grade or a high B-grade. I was still confident as I did my paper. Then, halfway through, while using my GC to complete a statistic question... the GC returned a "ERR: ARCHIVE FULL" message. I frantically went through my GC. Did I have enough memory to operate the calculator? I should have. My GC was fine...until that day. Okayyyy... this I could manage. I erased my calculator's memory (mental note: borrow Jia Yi's later to copy-back the programs), got it working again and continued on. But I wasted too much time and by the time I handed up the paper I didn't manage to finish all the questions.

Same thing happened for ECO. Lack of time, not enough studying. Came out of the MPH with a heavy heart.

Throughout the last hour for these two papers one thing happened. I kept swearing. %^*&^*(&)! In my mind, of course. Lately I seem to be doing that. Not good. I have to kill this habit of mind-swearing.

2 papers left. Specialist Mathematics and Accounting. I feel scared now. The bad experience from the last 3 papers has shaken me. I wish all this was over and done with.

Then I can really play, yeah!!!! Woot!

Ok, concentrate....2 papers left! Cannot enjoy first!

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